Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony results, final five

The final five Veto Ceremony has now wrapped up in the Big Brother 25 house — so the eviction plan officially secured?
If you have based some of the headlines over the past few days, Jag ended up winning the latest Power of Veto and with that, he had no interest in doing anything with it. If he used it, Bowie Jane would go up by default and over the past few days, it’s become more clear that he is looking at her as a viable final two candidate. He doesn’t want to do anything to make her mad within the game.
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With all of this in mind, here is your confirmation that Jag did not use the Veto, and now either Cirie or Felicia will be evicted. More than likely, it’s going to be Cirie. There just isn’t any reason as of right now for Felicia to go with Jag and Bowie as the voters. Unless Matt begs them to do something, Cirie’s game is over and she seems to know it. We’re not sure they would listen to Matt anyway.
We do anticipate some campaigning from both ladies over the next few days — that’s the nature of this game! Also, it would be disappointing to not see that.
Is there anything else worth noting?
Well, let’s just say that Cirie remains in pretty good spirits, all things considered. She probably isn’t winning the game, but it does seem like she is looking forward to Felicia learning the truth about Jared — and that could be one of the most fun parts of the finale. Let’s hope there’s some actual drama we get to see with that!
Related – Be sure to get further discussion on Big Brother 25 right now, including some other live feed news
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