Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Chocolate, Javier Milei

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Photo: HBO

There were a few things we anticipated seeing on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver tonight, including Mike Johnson. After all, the newly-appointed Speaker of the House drew a lot of headlines this week.

Did we get a joke or two at the start of the episode about him? Sure, but the host went off the beaten path here by giving us a little bit of world news. To be specific, the Presidential election in Argentina and one of the most notable candidates in Javier Milei. There are so many things about this election and Milei that will certainly surprise you, with one of the biggest things being how chainsaws have somehow become a major symbol for his campaign. Then, there is everything that is going on when it comes to his dogs.

Honestly, this is the content that we watch Last Week Tonight with John Oliver for, mostly because of the fact that we wouldn’t know a lot about Milei were not for the opening segment. This was funny, but also incredibly informative and even value. We do tend to think that it’s important to who what is going on elsewhere in the world, even if some of them feel absolutely absurd.

For the main segment tonight, we actually got a lot of information on something that we never expected — chocolate. Yet, at the same time, this was a really good, informative package! It was also perfectly timed given that Halloween is right around the corner. Within this, we learned how cocoa was grown, the struggles that farmers have, and even the remarkable fact that a good number of farmers have never even tasted the end product before.

With that, we found out more in here about cocoa traders, business ecosystems, and all sorts of other complications. We suggest tracking down the segment on YouTube, given that it is easily the strongest main segment that Oliver’s series has had since its return from the WGA strike.

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