Survivor 45 episode 6: The most likely merge boots

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Photo: CBS

Based on most of the previews that we’ve seen so far for Survivor 45 episode 6, it seems like the merge is here! With that, there are some questions as to who the most likely people are to be taken out of the game.

Historically, this is the part of the season where we do tend to see a number of big-time physical threats be sent out of the game. However, there is also no denying that the game has changed a good bit over the years and with that, there are people who may be booted from the game now for different reasons than ten or twenty seasons ago. We tend to think almost anyone could be vulnerable at this point.

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For now, we figure it best to single out at least five people to consider as possible boots moving into this particular part of the game.

Bruce – Remember that we’ve already seen an anti-Bruce coalition already thanks to Katurah, and she has at least some sort of working relationship with Kaleb. He could prove to be a convenient casualty.

Emily – If there is some resentment from Bruce towards her, could there be a movement to get her out? She doesn’t have that much locked-in support beyond Kaleb and, to some extent, Drew and Austin.

Austin – He is the prototypical merge boot, but you would have to be really secretive to pull this off given that he has an immunity idol.

Sifu – Think about it this way — a lot of Reba already wants him out of the game anyway. He could be someone who is taken out without any long-term harm to anyone else’s game.

J. Maya – You could also make the same argument here, with the difference being that J thinks that she has more of an alliance than she does. She may not be able to see it coming.

Related Who is in the best spot entering the Survivor 45 merge?

Who do you think are the players most in danger entering the Survivor 45 merge at this point?

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