Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Who won the Veto, final five?
Who won the final five Veto this week in the Big Brother 25 house? Of course, this was one of the biggest competitions yet.
Ironically, it was also one that the Head of Household in Matt didn’t seem that enthused to win in advance. He was already save until the final four, so he didn’t think there was that much of a reason to really fight hard for this — especially since it would force him to choose between saving nominees Cirie or Felicia and then putting up Matt or Jag. He claimed that he wanted Jag or Bowie to just win so he could be spared some of the trouble. Given that Cirie and Felicia only have one competition win between them all season, it was not that hard of an idea to fathom.
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So what actually happened during the Veto Competition? Well … Jag won, again! He now has six Vetoes on the season, making him one of the biggest competition threats in the history of the show. That’s saying a lot, given that another big comp player in Cameron was on the season. He’s almost certainly not going to use it, meaning that it is Cirie versus Felicia for the next eviction.
It seems like the competition had some sort of physical and water component, and the former may make a lot of people angry given that the bulk of the comps the past few weeks have been almost impossible for less-physical players to play. That does highlight one of the issues with the competitions this season, but let’s also say this: It’s not Jag’s fault that these have been put on the show. In general, it’s hard to blame Jag for the fact that he’s benefited from two separate twists this season plus competitions that have been in his favor — he’s just making the most of the hand that has been dealt for him.
Related – Is Matt’s Head of Household letter from Reilly helping or hurting his Big Brother 25 game?
What do you think about the Veto winner this week in the Big Brother 25 house?
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