Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Final five Veto preview!
As some of you may be aware at this point, the final five Power of Veto Competition is happening on Big Brother 25. What can we say about it right now?
Well, first and foremost, here’s a reminder of where things stand at the moment. Matt won Head of Household late Thursday, and he has chosen to nominate Cirie and Felicia. While it seemed like he was considering Jag as a target post-Veto at one point, we don’t get enough from his conversations to think that he is seriously entertaining it. The HoH letter he got from Reilly seems to have influenced him more about sticking with Jag in particular, given that the two were so close. Also, Cirie and Felicia have kept a distance from him over the past day or two, as well.
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Hilariously, that HoH letter may end up also being the thing that dooms Matt long-term. We get the sense that Bowie Jane has not exactly loved the focus that he now has on this “showmance” that never really happened in-game. She is the sort of player who needs attention and reassurance. Jag has stepped in and given that more, and that is where the final two may now lie. Jag does at least realize he needs that option and that Bowie is easier to beat than Matt.
Also, remember that if nominations stay the same, Jag and Bowie are almost certainly going to boot Cirie, who is the much bigger threat of the nominees.
What will the Veto be?
Given that the backyard was open the competitors are heading out of the house. We tend to think it could be either memory-based or a relatively new comp, given that most of the old favorites have already been done this season.
Who do you want to see win the Veto today in Big Brother 25?
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