Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Who won HoH, final 5?

We have arrived to the final five portion of Big Brother 25 at this point and with that, why not discuss who won HoH?
First things first, we should note that this competition is not going to be taking place during the live Double Eviction show tonight. There is simply not any time, and instead we’re going to have to exercise a little bit of patience as we get the live feeds back as time goes on.
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Now, as for what this competition could be, we know that historically, HoHs right after a Double Eviction are not something that is incredibly exhausting. Instead, they are usually pretty fast … not that we think this will make feeds come up any faster. This is actually a somewhat-risky HoH to win, since it puts you in the spot where you only have one chance to save yourself at the final four, which can leave you really vulnerable if you are a massive threat.
So, who was the winner?
Matt finally got his first HoH! That does more than likely guarantee Cirie’s safety for the week, since he’ll have no intention of putting her up. More than likely, Bowie Jane touches the block this time around alongside Felicia, and things will be interesting if Jag does not win the Veto.
Now, what is somewhat interesting now is that if Matt does get Jag out this week, he puts himself in a risky spot — he won’t be eligible to be the final four HoH, so if he does not win the Veto, at that point he would most likely go home. Jag is the only person who probably keeps him safe at that particular point.
What did you think about the final five HoH winner in the Big Brother 25 house?
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