Power Book III: Raising Kanan season 3 trailer: Is Kanan done?

Power Book III: Raising Kanan season 2
Photo: Starz

Today, the folks over at Starz released a new Power Book III: Raising Kanan season 3 trailer leading into its December launch. What can we say right now? Well, for starters, it looks like we’re in for the most action-packed story we’ve seen so far!

First and foremost, we should start off by noting that the MeKai Curtis drama is going to slowly evolve the Kanan character and send him in a number of new and surprising directions. What will that include here? Well, you are going to be seeing over the course of the season him trying to find some sort of equilibrium with Raq, who has done just about everything in her power to keep a lot of different balls in the air. She may have a new key player in her life in Stefano, who was introduced at the end of season 2 and is played by Tony Danza.

Rest assured, there are a lot of other familiar faces you are going to be seeing throughout this season, as well. Just think along the lines of Malcolm Howard, Unique, and plenty of other familiar faces over the course of the series.

You can see the trailer in full over here. We do think that the show is going to be stuffed full of more interesting content than ever, and we certainly imagine that we are eventually going to be building towards the introduction of some other big characters within the franchise. After all, we’re going to be getting a chance to see Breeze at some point in the relatively near future, right?

As for Ghost and Tommy…

Remember, these two are a little bit younger than Kanan. There are some opportunities to maybe introduce them, but it could take years and the show has to make it to that point.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Power Book III: Raising Kanan right now, including more on the December return

What do you most want to see on Power Book III: Raising Kanan season 3, based on this new trailer?

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