Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: More final four scenarios

We don’t exactly think this is some huge surprise, but Matt and Jag have a plan in Big Brother 25 to make everyone feel comfortable. Hasn’t this been their MO for most of the season? Absolutely and yet, they are still doing whatever they can in order to ensure that this happens.
Now, here is what we can say about what they are thinking about right now. Despite all of the speculation about possibly targeting Cirie this weekend, they are still going after Blue. Why? They think she would do the dirty work of others … even though that may not be all that accurate. The reality here is that Cirie should be their target if they are actually concerned about long-term threats, but that isn’t something that they seem to think is an immediate concern. Production is partly to blame to this — they’ve given the contestants so few mental competitions as of late that Matt and Jag may think they’ll just have physical stuff the rest of the way.
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Over the past couple of hours, the Minutemen have had some internal debates about who to take to the end of the game, and this is where it seems like there is at least a little bit of an impact of Felicia’s anti-Cirie discussions. They don’t appear as locked-in with her on the final four as they used to be, and they may also be looking now at America alongside Bowie Jane. Of course, we think going to the final four with America is a bad idea since she has studied a ton, but they are at least considering that idea at this point.
Ideally, the two are going to do whatever they can to be in a spot where they don’t have to win HoH moving forward, and they think that they have that. Of course, what they don’t realize is that America, Cirie, or Felicia would 100% target them if they win. It may not prove to be an issue, but there is more jeopardy around them that they know.
Related – Get more of the Big Brother 25 live feed updates from earlier today
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