Gen V season 1 episode 7 spoilers: The superhero disease…

As we get ourselves prepared for Gen V season 1 episode 7 on Prime Video next week, is the larger shape of the story clear?
Well, let’s just put it like this — for the first time, we are starting to get a super-clear picture on what the writers here are doing, and also how this show is going to tied more into the flagship The Boys entering its upcoming fourth season. While there are a multitude of experiments happening behind the scenes with Dean Shetty, one of them stands out above the rest. As it turns out, she is trying to develop a contagious disease that only infects Supes. What this means is pretty darn catastrophic.
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Ever since the start of the flagship show, one of the big challenges with people like Homelander is that he cannot be killed. That automatically puts everyone else at a disadvantage, and at some point, doesn’t it feel like the public would want to fight back? That is what this story represents, and all of a sudden, an institution like God U could be the catalyst for everything that happens. Also, it could be up to a group of young students to put a stop to it.
What’s the problem? Well, for now, not all of them are fully aware of what is happening. The only thing that they know is that there are some terrible things happening at the Woods and beyond that, Cate was working with them on the inside. This is a chance to change things, but how much that actually happens still remains to be seen.
Overall, let’s just cross our fingers and hope that episode 7 gives us another big cliffhanger, one that paves the way for the finale.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Gen V, including a few more details all about what’s coming
What do you think is going to happen with the Supe disease moving into Gen V season 1 episode 7?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.