Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Week 12 Veto players

The week 12 Power of Veto Competition is happening later in Big Brother 25 — want to know Veto players now?
First and foremost, let’s start off with a reminder here that Jag is Head of Household (again), and the nominees yesterday were Blue and America. Blue is the actual target this week, but at the same time, Jag is trying to snow her into thinking that it is really America, and he is just using her as a weapon for the Power of Veto.
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So who got a chance to play the competition today? Well, this is the last time this season that not everyone gets to play, and hilariously, Cirie is the last person to miss out on a challenge this season. There has been a running joke for most of the season about how Cirie has never been drawn to play for a Veto, and that continues today. She did get a chance to compete last week, but that was due to her actually being on the block.
What will the challenge be?
Of course, there is endless speculation on that already now that several longtime favorites have already been done including Zingbot, BB Comics, and Otev. (Technically, two of them were done at the same exact time.) We could get spelling, which people have spoken about for years even though we haven’t seen it in forever. Personally, we’d love the return of Hide and Go Veto, which has been out of commission for a while, largely due to 1) the difficulties of cleaning the house after and 2) Brett basically breaking the comp in season 20.
We just hope that it is one that has a level playing field, and doesn’t just benefit the super-physical competitors like Jag and Matt.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 25, including more from yesterday on the feeds
What do you want to see happening within the Big Brother 25 Power of Veto Competition today?
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