Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Will Blue ever learn? (Day 80)

As we have a further discussion now about the post-nomination Big Brother 25 live feeds, we have to talk Blue. What in the world is she doing? She thinks that she’s figured out a lot of stuff about the game, but she may be the most clueless houseguest right now by a mile.
Here’s a summation of what’s going on — Jag is Head of Household, and he’s nominated her alongside America. However, Blue thinks she is up mostly to ensure she plays Veto and works to get her out, especially since she’s convinced that anything America can do, she will be able to do better. If she is actually nervous at all, she isn’t showing it. Her winning the second Veto last week is probably some validation for this theory.
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So when is Blue going to learn the truth? We tend to think after the Veto Ceremony, someone will lay it out for jury votes’ sake. There’s no point in blabbing now that her own so-called ally is playing her, to the point where they’ve spent part of tonight talking about endgame scenarios! Nobody wants to become Jag’s target and for now, America is a suitable backup option and she is already on the block.
Do we think that Blue is going to be hurt when she learns the truth here? A million times yes, but at the same time this is 100% a situation where she really has no one to blame other than herself for being in this situation. She has been told in the past not to trust Jag and still, she does — even if she previously gave Jag reasons not to trust her and that is the reason they are in this position in the first place now.
Honestly, we hope Blue figures it out, mostly because 1) we want drama and 2) this is a straightforward week otherwise.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 25, including nominations and how we got here
When do you think Blue is going to learn the truth on Big Brother 25?
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