Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Nomination talks (day 80)

We have now made it to day 80 within the Big Brother 25 house, so what are we going to end up seeing this week? Let’s just say that this is a pretty complicated question to answer.
First and foremost, here is your reminder that Jag is Head of Household … again. There has been a lot of controversy already on whether or not he should have been eligible to compete another time, but that does not change the fact that he has it for the second straight week. This time, there is no secrecy, and he is currently having conversations to prepare for the eventual nominations.
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So who is currently set to go up on the block? Well, think in terms of America and Blue, with the latter seemingly set to become the target. While this has been his plan for a while, we should note that Jag has also been the sort of player to change his mind on a semi-regular basis. Because of this, it would be rather silly to sit here and say that he will not do it here. Blue hasn’t been that gung-ho after him and America has. Isn’t she the easier target?
The reality
Jag really should be going after Cirie, but he won’t. She’s the best player remaining, but she’s also well-protected and he already told her she wouldn’t be nominated. It would also really anger Matt. Cirie is in a great spot since she’s not the #1 target for many people and may be able to make the final five / final four without many problems. Her issue right now is getting to the final two.
For Jag, he is going to need to rely heavily on Matt to win the Double Eviction Head of Household and them himself the Veto. If those two things fail to happen, he is almost certainly a goner.
Related – Get some more news on Big Brother 25 right now, including Jag’s new Head of Household win
What do you think is going to happen when it comes to Big Brother 25 nominations this week?
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