Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Who won HoH, week 12?

Who won HoH today in the Big Brother 25 house? We are entering week 12 in the game and with that, BB Comic Week is done. That means no invisible powers or multiple Vetoes anymore. Given that we are getting a little bit closer to the end of the season, we honestly hope that there is a little bit less in the way of twists moving forward.
Going into the new episode tonight, there were certainly a few things we knew in advance when it comes to the competition. Take, for starters, the simple fact that the backyard was open for most of the week, so we weren’t expecting anything too elaborate. There were a lot of people studying and because of that, we wondered if they got some sort of clue that they were going to get some sort of mental competition at the end of the day.
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As for who needed to win this the moment, that’s where we turn over to Bowie Jane, Jag, Blue, and America. These are the four most-likely targets depending on what happens. Cirie and Felicia are suddenly in a good place now. Meanwhile, there is a good chance that Matt may be okay just because of some of the allegiances that he has, at least for the time being.
Who won?
Well, the live feeds first came back at around 10:35 p.m. Eastern. We knew pretty quickly that a guy won the power based on America saying “he” in a conversation by herself.
Minutes later, we learned that Jag managed to win the competition … again. We know that there is a lot of criticism that he shouldn’t have been allowed to play again, but these were the rules that they announced.
Related – Check out more news on Big Brother 25, including our take on the big eviction tonight
Who did you want to see win Head of Household within Big Brother 25 today?
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