Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Cory’s last day (day 79)

As we prepare for tonight’s Big Brother 25 eviction show, it is pretty clear that Cory’s time in the game is coming to a close.
Should he be happy with how well he’s done? To a certain extent, absolutely — making the jury this season was no easy feat and beyond just that, he’s been a target for a while. His obvious mistake is just playing it safe for too long, with the same being said for America. He really felt like he was a little further ahead of everyone else when that was not actually the case here in the end.
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After the most mild confrontation ever with Bowie Jane last night, Cory basically stopped campaigning and is now enjoying what time he has left in the game. Meanwhile, everyone is just preparing for the future. Cirie and Felicia continue to talk about the idea of trying to get Bowie Jane out moving forward in the event that Matt or Jag win — they tend to think that they have that much sway and with Matt, maybe they do. However, the guys’ plan is to put up Blue and America and get one of them out before Cirie / Felicia. America? We understand, but leaving Cirie and Felicia in there feels like a bad idea even if they haven’t been that great in competitions.
For America, we certainly think that she has woken up to the reality that she has to go full-tilt the rest of the season if she really wants to have a chance of winning. She’s gotta show an individual game, especially since women in a showmance are often unfairly maligned and treated as though they didn’t do as much as their male counterpart. America has been really chaotic at times, but she’s had some great reads and her problem is that not everyone has wanted to listen to her.
Related – Tonight’s new Big Brother 25 episode will be slightly delayed
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