The Fall of the House of Usher: How did Tamerlane Usher die?

The Fall of the House of Usher season 1How did Tamerlane Usher die at the end of The Fall of the House of Usher episode 6? Visually, this was stunning and terrifying to watch.

Let’s just put it this way: Losing this character came about due to a death by a million cuts. It was painful, and it was all due to Tammy struggling with something that has long plagued her: The concept of self.

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There was so much that was ironic about Tammy giving that Goldbug presentation, trying to sell others on a lifestyle company when she herself is so detached from her own world. She struggles with any intimacy with others, and certainly struggles with what she sees in the mirror. There is a reason why Verna appears as a modified version of herself, taunting her and causing her to go mad right in the middle of her presentation, nearly killing Juno in the process.

The true horror came about back at her own apartment after the failed presentation, where she realized that in that moment, most of her life was in utter shambles. She then did battle with herself through the mirrors, before ultimately taking her own life by attacking the mirror above her. The shards fell on her in slow motion … and it is pretty fair to say what happened after that. This was the fifth of the Usher children to die, leaving Frederick as the only one left to go.

If you watched episode 6 now knowing how we would see Frederick go on The Fall of the House of Usher episode 7, you were probably filled with questions at this point … and also of the belief that Morrie would be involved somehow.

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What did you think about what happened to Tammy on The Fall of the House of Usher?

Was this the most memorable death to you? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, be sure to come back — there are more updates coming.

(Photo: Netflix.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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