Shark Tank: Wellingtons, Bot-It, Dating by Blaine, and Glove Wrap

Shark Tank season 15

Tonight on Shark Tank, you are going to have a chance to see Wellingtons, Bot-It, Dating by Blaine, and Glove Wrap. What are they all going to bring to the table here? Let’s just say we have a good bit to discuss.

First and foremost, though, let’s begin this piece in the same way we always do — by sharing the official synopsis, which in this case also includes a Guest Shark:

Fanatics Chairman and CEO Michael Rubin makes his guest Shark debut and is presented with potentially game-changing businesses including a bot service for consumers, frozen beef Wellingtons, a baseball glove wrapper and a dating advice service.

Wellingtons – This isn’t a hard product to describe — the synopsis already does it! We do understand the idea here since Gordon Ramsay has really popularized the dish as the pinnacle of gourmet meals, and this takes the fuss out of it. Are they still pricey? Yes, and that may be the issue.

Dating by Blaine – Can Blaine help you find love? That is really the nexus of this particular service, which likely has a success rate based largely on what you put into it. We know that Blaine herself has a long online following and personally, we think that plus personal recommendations may actually be more effective than the Tank.

Glove Wrap – This is, once again, obvious — a way to wrap up a baseball glove! The idea here is that it helps to contour and “break in” your glove faster and safer, which means that you can be a better player out on the field.

Bot-It – The idea here is that the company allows for bots to help customers complete simple tasks without any trouble, including booking select appointments or performing weekly online duties. It may be a time-saver for people out there, but bots are complicated. In this era, we know not everyone loves this much technology.

What do you think about Wellingtons, Bot-It, Dating by Blaine, and Glove Wrap on Shark Tank?

Go ahead and let us know right now in the comments! Once you do just that, be sure to come back for more.

(Photo: ABC.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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