Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Invisible HoH’s plan

Big Brother 25

Late last night, we had a chance to learn about the invisible HoH within the Big Brother 25 house. So what are they planning to do right now when it comes to the game?

Well, first and foremost, here’s a reminder for those of you who missed the news from overnight: Jag has won Head of Household and with that, he has the ability to tell or not tell everyone what he is looking to do this week. He has already told Matt, and we tend to think it’s only a matter of time before everyone else in the game figures it out.

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For now, Jag’s plan is the sort that would generate an almost-instant eyeroll from some people, as we are going to see him choose to nominate some combination of Felicia, Cirie, and Blue for eviction. The target for now seems to be Blue for the time being, but will that actually stay the case?

The thing here with Jag is that he’s been transfixed on getting Blue out for a while and yet, she’s not coming after him. There is basically a case for him to get out almost anyone before her, including the likes of Cory and America. With so many different options, doesn’t it seem like he should consider it?

Over the course of the day, our #1 point of curiosity is whether or not we’re going to be able to see Jag keep some of this information to himself, and also just how much more of a threat he becomes as a result of this HoH. This is a guy that is not making a move in his own self-interest, but it may not matter since he is such a strong competitor at this point.

Related Be sure to get some more insight on the Big Brother 25 Invisible HoH!

What do you want to see happen with the Invisible HoH on Big Brother 25?

Be sure to let us know in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back for more.

(Photo: CBS.)

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