Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Does anyone want HoH?

Big Brother 25

As we get to the end of day 70 in the Big Brother 25 house, we have to talk comedy — and not even the Zingbot variety.

Instead, why not get a little bit more into the upcoming Head of Household Competition and the fact that almost no one wants it. It’s hilarious. Bowie Jane cannot play, and we’ve already heard about Cory, America, Matt, and Jag all have discussions about throwing it at various points. They’re convinced a Double is coming and they don’t want to waste their chance here — also, they don’t want to show their cards, even though you have to at some point.

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Are the only people who are going to try at this point Cirie, Felicia, and Blue? Cirie and Felicia have nothing to lose, since they know that they are on the outside of the numbers right now. Blue has convinced herself that Cameron is lying about Matt and Jag working against her and with that, she’d probably go after Cory still. Everyone else feels like they’re just going to sit back and hope they can make it through one more week … or so they say.

The funniest thing that we saw tonight with Blue is her saying how shocked she would be if Matt and Jag were actually doing something against her — so yes, she is going to be shocked at some point when she watches this back. She has been warned and at this point, she’s responsible for whatever happens.

As for the campaigning…

Is there any? Well, not really. Cameron is still going and it’s going to be most likely unanimous. He’s tried a couple of things here and there but ultimately, it’s just hard to figure out a path in terms of numbers. Even if he wasn’t a bad social player, it’s pretty darn impossible to figure a way in which he stays.

Related Get more discussion about the upcoming BB Comic Week!

Do you think throwing HoH in Big Brother at this point is a crazy move?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back for some other updates.

(Photo: CBS.)

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