Big Brother 25 spoilers: What does BB Comic Week mean?

Big Brother 25

As we prepare for the next new Big Brother 25 episode to arrive, we know that we are entering BB Comic Week. Now that we’ve said that, though, there is another big question worth thinking about — what in the world does that even mean?

Well, let’s just say that it is no real secret that there have been “themed” weeks already this season. Remember that for Humiliweek, we actually had some pretty ridiculous activities including multiple costumes, getting to see a pig punishment, and ridiculous challenges. Meanwhile, with Scary Week we had one of the most worthless twists of all time as we ended up seeing Cameron and Jared stuck as zombies for a full week. Cameron ended up returning and now, more than likely he will be evicted again.

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So what is BB Comic Week going to bring us? Well, the clear assumption is that the BB Comics competition is going to return, which is only a little bit surprising in that it typically happens a little bit later in the season, per our recollection. Yet, we also know everyone well enough at this point for there to be comics about all of them. Some of them are almost sure to be ridiculous. There could be another twist in here too, but we don’t think that the show needs to bust out anything too crazy at this point in the game. There aren’t a ton of people left, and we wouldn’t want something that is completely luck-based to influence the endgame on some sort of severe level.

Hopefully, Julie Chen Moonves will give us something when it comes to clarity on Thursday’s episode — which, by the way, still feels weird to us. We’re so used to tonight’s episode airing on Wednesdays that our days of the week are at this point completely out of whack.

Related Be sure to get some other news right now on Big Brother, including Cameron’s campaign

What do you really think that Comic Week within the Big Brother 25 house is going to really mean?

Be sure to let us know right away in the comments! Once you do just that, come back to get some other updates.

(Photo: CBS.)

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