Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: The Veto plan is set

Big Brother 25

While we’ve gotten a good sense for a while of what was going to happen in the Big Brother 25 house tomorrow, isn’t it nice to have full confirmation?

Let’s start off here with what we know already is going to be going down at the Veto Ceremony. Jag has 100% confirmed multiple times that he is using the Veto and late this afternoon, he confirmed to Cirie and Felicia that he will take Felicia off the block. That is something that Cirie personally wanted, and Jag clearly sees this as a way to show loyalty to both Cirie and Felicia moving forward. (Cirie clearly wants to make Felicia feel good — she also feels safe being up against Cameron, and if this was a different situation we would argue that this is the worst move ever. In this situation, though, we understand the reasoning for it.)

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With this move set in stone, Bowie already knows that she’s nominating Cameron and in some ways, she’s already trying to set the table for it. She had a conversation with Cameron close to the time of this writing where she had to figure out something to do with the Veto, and she did not want to get any more blood on her hands. Cam pleaded with her to not nominate him, as he realizes that if he goes on the block, he will be voted out. He has already suggested Cory as a possible replacement as well as Blue, but neither of them are sticking.

We don’t think that Bowie Jane wants to make this move, mostly because she doesn’t want to make ANY move. Yet, her preference is to do whatever keeps her the safest for the longest period of time, and nobody is going to be mad at her for getting Cameron out of the game.

The Veto Ceremony is tomorrow, so we’ll see if anything changes here.

Related Go ahead and get other updates now on Big Brother 25, including some of Zingbot’s zings

Do you think we will see anything crazy with the latest Big Brother 25 Veto Ceremony tomorrow?

Be sure to let us know in the comments! Once you do just that, keep coming back for some other updates.

(Photo: CBS.)

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