The Golden Bachelor spoilers: ABC exec on hometown dates

The Golden Bachelor season 1

We are a couple of episodes at this point into The Golden Bachelor, so what lies ahead for Gerry Turner this season?

Given that this show is only eight episodes, it is fair to say that everything is going to be a little more compressed than we are used to. However, there are some parts of the original show’s DNA that still remain, with the key parts being the presence of overnight dates as well as hometowns.

While we’re not going to give you any details about who makes it to that point in the season, we can at least give you a better sense of how it will work. Speaking to Variety, ABC unscripted executive Robert Mills did tease some of the events ahead in some interesting ways.

On the upcoming hometown dates – “It will be the same in that they will go to the the suitors’ hometowns. But instead of meet the parents, it’s meet the kids and meet the grandkids.”

Personally, we do tend to think that there will still be a protective nature to these days — just in a very different manner.

On whether or not you are still going to see fantasy suites – “I will say there will be fantasy suites, but I will leave everything else to your imagination. I will definitely say that all of America will be talking.”

No matter what we see moving forward here on The Golden Bachelor, it is really important that the producers do prioritize the tone here more than anything else. The biggest reason why this show is so popular so far is because viewers feel like they can relate and understand the contestants. It feels like almost all of them are legitimately there for love.

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What do you most want to see from Gerry on The Golden Bachelor moving forward?

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(Photo: ABC.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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