Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Some of Zingbot’s zings!

Big Brother 25

As many of you may be well-aware at this point, the Big Brother 25 house had quite the guest of honor today in Zingbot — it’s an annual tradition! We know that not everyone likes the famed joke-telling robot, and we’ll be the first to admit that not all of the jokes even land. Yet, he is a really iconic part of this show and things just would not be the same without him.

With this very thing in mind, why not go ahead and look at some of the best zings that we heard in the house after the Power of Veto Competition?

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Before we go further, there are a couple of things to keep in mind here. For starters, these are secondhand jokes that we’re getting based on discussions from the house. Some may argue that this makes hearing the zings on the show itself less fun. Still, it is our responsibility to tell these zings and do that we shall! Some could be added later.

Now, the zings that we’ve heard

Bowie Jane – This one is the most easy to tell. She was apparently compared to a great white shark thanks to her teeth.

Mecole – For some reason, she got zinged for being boring without even being there!

Cirie – Predictably, this was about her losing Survivor four times and how she is probably going to lose this, as well. (Actually, this zing could be good for her game.)

Cameron – This was military-themed, leading to him being called a major (bleeping) tool. Like Cirie, easy to see this one coming.

Matt – Apparently, he got called some variation of dumb.

Cory – He had a whole song, talking about everything from his mustache (figured) to how he must have given America a lobotomy.

America – Got a zing for “robbing the cradle.”

Blue – Making fun of her for her catchphrases, and also her sense of style.

Jag – He was called “boring,” and a number of other petty insults within a car metaphor.

Felicia – Something about her age, and that’s about it.

Related Get some more news when it comes to Big Brother 25, including who actually won the Veto

What did you think about some of Zingbot’s zings within the Big Brother 25 house today?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are a ton of other updates coming soon.

(Photo: CBS.)

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