Survivor 45 episode 3 promo features … Taylor Swift?

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Based on the latest promo we have seen for Survivor 45 episode 3, it feels like you can make a big pretty big takeaway: Not even the CBS reality TV sensation is immune from the Taylor Swift hype-train.

If you head over to TVLine, you can see what we’re talking about as a new 30-second is debuting this weekend during college football, set to the award-winning singer’s recent track “Mastermind.” The idea of the song certainly plays into the central tenet of the show, which is being able to outsmart and outmaneuver every other person on the beach.

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So why is CBS doing this? It’s pretty easy to figure out from a marketing standpoint: They have clearly seen the buzz that Swift has given the NFL the past few weeks and they are trying to replicate it here. It is somewhat similar to what Dancing with the Stars is reportedly set to do by having a Taylor Swift night a little bit later in its own season.

Is all of this stuff absolutely shameless? Sure, and it is pretty impossible to argue otherwise. With that being said, though, we can’t exactly sit here and say that we are surprised in the least about it. Just remember for a moment here that networks are desperate to expose properties to new audiences, especially ones that have aired for decades and are in need of a younger infusion of viewers. It even 1,000 new people watch Survivor 45 because of this, odds are CBS will consider it a win. Of course, we don’t know if a song alone is going to be effective in doing that at all … but we’re not a marketing expert here.

Related Be sure to get some other updates on Survivor 45 right away, including what else may be coming up

What do you most want to see moving into Survivor 45 episode 3 over on CBS?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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