The Morning Show season 3 episode 6: One big distinction

The Morning Show season 3

On Tuesday night we will have our first opportunity to see The Morning Show season 3 episode 6, and there is one thing we can say in advance. While a lot of the stories so far this season have been pretty broad and epic in scope, this one may be more so than any other. Why is that? Well, we are looking at the longest installment that we’ve had a chance to see for the entirely of the season.

Apple TV+ has already confirmed that this installment, which carries with it the title of “The Stanford Student,” is going to run for 55 minutes. While it is not substantially longer than any other this season, it does serve as a reminder of all of the various super-ambitious stories that the writers are going to be bringing to us moving forward here.

First and foremost, here is a reminder that over the course of this installment, we need to see more of what’s going on with Paul Marks in the midst of a potential UBA purchase. Also, there are still questions aplenty (and understandably so) about what is going to happen with Bradley now that we know the truth about what happened with her and Cory in the past.

Are the two lucky that the incident involving Hal was seemingly not revealed as a result of the hack? Sure, but if we’ve learned one thing about secrets on scripted television series in the past, it is this: They almost always have a tendency to come out. It honestly feels a little bit silly to assume that something similar would happen here at the end of the day.

Given that we are at the halfway point of the season now, we tend to think that everything will be taken up a notch. We’ll see if that is the case…

Related Be sure to get some more news on The Morning Show right now, including episode 6 details

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(Photo: Apple TV+.)

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