Gen V season 1 episode 5 spoilers: Any closer to answers?

Gen V season 1

As we prepare to see Gen V season 1 episode 5 on Prime Video next week, what is it that we expect to see above all else?

We will admit that at this point, it’s a hard question to answer. Since this show does not have the baked-in source material of The Boys, there are so many different directions that it could go. The central mystery, at least for now, does remain what is going on in the Woods, and just how connected all of this could be to Vought at the end of the day. We know that there are a lot of questions as to the endgame here — given how much merchandise was made about Golden Boy, we don’t think that Ashley Barrett wanted to just kill the guy off. So, what made him start to go off the deep end? Was that tied to something that happened to him or his mind being distorted?

One other big question at the moment here is tied to how much Sam can really help, mostly because of the fact that he is clearly on the brink of losing it himself. He does have Emma trying to help him, but how far is that going to work in his favor?

The craziest thing to think about right now is simply that we are at the halfway point already in season 1, and there really isn’t that much left. We do think that there are a few more cameos from the original show to look forward to and beyond that, there’s a chance for another couple of surprises. We also don’t think that Gen V is meant to be some one-and-done superhero satire — there will probably be another season, but it comes down to when that renewal is announced.

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Is there anything that you most want to see moving into Gen V season 1 episode 5 on Prime Video?

Be sure to let us know now in the comments! Once you do just that, be sure to keep coming back for some other updates.

(Photo: Prime Video.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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