Gen V season 1 episode 4: The big Tek Knight reveal

Gen V season 1

This week brought us Gen V season 1 episode 4 and with that, we learned so much more about a comic-book character in Tek Knight. Obviously, the presentation here was different than the source material, but we still learned a lot about him throughout.

Did we need to learn all the stuff we did? Well, probably not given that basically, he was goaded into backing off the Golden Boy investigation due to his tendency to be a little bit obsessed with holes — and yes, we are terrified to say a whole lot more than this. This is someone who managed to have enough salacious and dirty secrets that they could be leveraged against him, which is good only in the sense of the answers he was seeking about Godolkin.

After all, what we saw about the school in this episode was that they continue to be focused on trying to make Marie Moreau into the hero who stopped Luke from going mad and causing mass destruction. Jordan was minimized and while there is an effort to change that, the public tends to want what they want. (Still, who anticipated that Jordan / Marie connection?)

Meanwhile, we want to think that we’re inching closer to getting a few more answers about the Woods, but the issue here is containing Sam long enough to ensure that this happens. We suppose that if there was a reveal here, it is that Little Cricket can also be Big Cricket, though we’re really not all that shocked about it given the way in which this character has been set up.

While it does remain clear that Vought is pulling some strings behind the scenes at Godolkin, the events of Gen V season 1 episode 4 remain intentionally mysterious. Clearly, there is a desire here to keep things under wraps for at least a little while longer. There are four more episodes to come this season!

What did you think about the events of Gen V season 1 episode 4 overall?

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(Photo: Prime Video.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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