Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: The case against Cory

Big Brother 25

We know that we still have more than 24 hours to go until the next Veto Ceremony within the Big Brother 25 house and based on where things stand, we may need all that time.

After all, go ahead and consider this: Based on the evidence we have from last night, there could be a huge debate as to who to get out this week. Cameron, as Head of Household, remains very-much aware of the fact that taking out Felicia or Mecole isn’t a game-changing move. He clearly wants to get Cory out of the game at this point.

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So is he going to be able to do it? He had a meeting last night with Matt and Jag and within that, Jag in particular was pretty hesitant to go through the idea. Why? He claims that Cory is not coming after Cameron right away … but the real truth is that Jag needs Cory more than he needs Felicia or Mecole, who are coming at him more than a lot of other people are at this point.

While Cameron left the meeting frustrated and basically thinking that he can do whatever he wants, the truth is that even if he puts up Cory, there is no guarantee that he goes. If America, Jag, Matt, and Bowie Jane stay with him, he could be fine. There are seven people going, so four is the minimum number over votes that you need.

While all of this is happening…

Well, let’s just say that Cory was suspicious of Jag and Matt having as many alliances as they do. Basically, they worry this is a repeat of the Cirie / Izzy situation. Cory is really confident right now and he could be set up for a fall here, but we still think that nothing is guaranteed.

Related Get some more news on Big Brother 25 and the Power of Veto yesterday

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(Photo: CBS.)

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