Futurama season 11 episode 11 return date hopes at Hulu

Futurama season 11

Following what you see overnight on Hulu, what can we say now in regards to Futurama season 11 episode 11? Is there 100% more coming?

Well, without further ado here, this is where we come in with some great news: There are more new episodes coming! That is true even if you have to be waiting a while in order to see them. There is no new episode set for next week and if this is like any other midseason hiatus, more than likely you are going to be forced to wait months to see the show back.

In general, we can go ahead and say that there are ten more Futurama stories to come, so you don’t have to worry about part 2 of the season being shorter than what we had the first go-around. Also, we would go ahead and say that the odds of a season 12 feel likely. We know that Futurama has really been the little show that could for quite some time now, and we are pretty darn pleased at the moment to see that it is still popular. This new season has also brought some more attention to the seasons that aired before, and that is absolutely something we are pretty darn pleased about at the moment. How can we not be, all things considered?

So what are the next batch of episodes going to be about? We wish we had a little more clarity than we do about that at the moment! For the time being, though, all we can say is to expect a lot more comedy but, at the same time, further opportunities to see some relevant stories brought to the table! We do tend to think that this creative team is more clever than most out there.

Could the show be more biting with some of its stories? We tend to think so, but it could get there in due time.

What do you most want to see moving into Futurama season 11 episode 11 over on Hulu?

Be sure to let us know in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to also come back for all sorts of other updates.

(Photo: Hulu.)

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