Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Zombie Cameron’s fate & his plan

Big Brother 25

It feels fair to call Big Brother 25 day 52 one of the most bizarre of the season. Basically, every necessary activity between now and Thursday night has already been fulfilled.

If you’re a little behind on what’s going on here, let’s go ahead and give you somewhat of a wrap-up. Cameron and Jared are both back in the house as zombies, and in the past 24 hours they have competed in a series of competitions. The winner receives the right to decide if they want to compete in a singular competition on Thursday, one that if they win, allows them a chance to re-enter the game. If they lose, however, they depart the game and the other person gets to stay.

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So who has the right to compete? Well, we revealed earlier today that it was Cameron, and tonight he made it clear to Jag that he wants to compete on Thursday — that is hardly a shock, since he has done well in a lot of competitions all seas. Since we don’t know what the competition is we don’t want to assume it’s a slam-dunk for Cam, but it feels likely. Jared is already in his feelings and upset that he is likely departing. Meanwhile, he remains upset at Blue for spreading information around. He also isn’t making a lot of eye contact with Matt (per Matt), which leads him to think that he’s going to sabotage his game more and more over time.

What Cameron is doing right now is pretty simple: He’s not trying to make waves and instead, he’s trying to just cover his bases. He’s already tried to mend fences with Jag, who claims Cameron broke his trust when he told Jared about the deal that they had. Meanwhile, he’s also told Cirie that if Jared leaves, he will look out for her. We do tend to think that if he gets power, he will gravitate more towards Cirie since he needs to find allies somewhere and he’ll never be top three with anyone in the Matt / Jag side. Realistically, he just needs to get rid of a lot of other comp threats and try to win his way to the end.

In the end, we don’t expect a lot of serious gameplay for the next several days; instead, we anticipate a lot of moping from the Jared / Blue side, a lot of alliance-building, and maybe one blowup or to over time if someone wants to stir the pot.

Related Get some more Big Brother 25 updates, including other details on the zombies

What do you think Cameron will do in Big Brother 25 if he stays?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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