American Horror Story: Delicate episode 2: Is Anna’s doctor evil?

American Horror Story - Emma Roberts

As we get ourselves prepared to see American Horror Story: Delicate episode 2 on FX Wednesday night, why not discuss theories? After all, it makes a lot of sense that there is more to think about across the board here for Anna.

So where do we start? Well, the most natural spot is by noting that there is something clearly wrong with her amidst her attempts to get pregnant, and we don’t think it is so simple as her just losing her mind. Because of what we’ve seen with this franchise over the years, it feels like almost everything is on the table from aliens to ghosts to dark forces from the underworld. We’ve already suggested that Dex’s ex-lover Adeline is actually still alive.

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For the sake of this piece, let’s suggest another idea that is at least grounded in a certain amount of realism, one suggesting that Denis O’Hare’s character Dr. Hill is actually sinister in his intentions. Does he apparently have a great reputation around New York for IVF? Sure, but someone with deep pockets could be paying him to compromise Anna’s ability to get pregnant. Or, he may be administering some sort of drugs to her that have unwelcome and horrific side effects.

Let’s remember this: There are not a lot of people who have direct access to Anna in a way that would compromise her health like this. Clearly, Dr. Hill is one. Also, his over demeanor does feel a little bit off, but that could just be a red herring. There is also something unusual about the way in which he speaks to Dex and Anna together — to be specific, he just speaks to Dex. Is this because of some inherent bias, or because Dex has hired him with some nefarious purpose?

All of this is really too early to tell but for now, our advice is to keep a close eye on this character over the course of this episode. Doing anything otherwise would, at least for now, feel like a mistake.

Related Check out more news on the idea of Adeline being alive

Do you think something is up with Anna’s doctor on American Horror Story: Delicate?

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(Photo: FX.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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