The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season 1 episode 3: More Genet?

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season 1

As we prepare ourselves to see The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season 1 episode 3 in a matter of days, why not discuss Genet? After all, we definitely have reason to!

The first thing that we should really do here is quite simple in remind everyone why this character is so significant in the first place. She is tied to what happened on that ship before Daryl made it ashore, and there is clearly some sort of research going on aboard. She is resourceful, smart, and she certainly seems to be one of those people who believes what she is doing is right, even if just about everyone else under the sun disagrees with her.


So are we about to get a chance to see her again on the series this weekend? Well, there is definitely a case to be made here when it comes to furthering along her story, or allowing us a better opportunity in order to understand her endgame.

Do we think that The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon is going to lean super-heavily into her character this weekend? Not necessarily, but don’t be surprised if she does get a few mentions. This show already has a season 2 renewal and by virtue of that, there is no real need to speed through anything! They can give us a little bit of her story, and then also set the stage for the bigger stuff either later on this season or a season 2.

The biggest selling point to us entering episode 3 is actually pretty simple: The chance to see a post-apocalyptic Paris. We at least got a small taste of it courtesy of the backstory for Isabelle on this past episode.

Related Get a few more details about The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon right now, including what happens later this season

What do you most want to see when it comes to The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season 1 episode 3?

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(Photo: AMC.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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