Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Is Jared still oblivious?

Big Brother 25

Tomorrow on Big Brother 25 we are going to see a Double Eviction, and it does feel clear that there is a lot of drama ahead. After all, there could be some big surprises depending on who won Head of Household, and that is without even mentioning the Scaryverse twist that Julie Chen Moonves hyped up.

So what is happening within the house this afternoon so far? Well, first and foremost, we should note that nothing campaign-wise is going on that feels all that shocking. Cameron is still going and as of right now, we haven’t seen a lot of campaigning on that subject.

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With that, most people are currently in the process of trying to look a little bit more towards the next eviction, with Jag telling America he would throw the Head of Household to her if he has a chance in order to do so. He is still trying to act like somewhat of a Double Agent with Blue and Matt, making it seem like there is some vestige of the Seven Deadly Sins still in play. We do think Jag will make the move to nominate Cirie and Jared if he’s in power, but Blue is someone we have our doubts about.

We should note that some of the younger crew is getting a little more open to telling Felicia about their plans, which makes some sense given that Felicia has been burned pretty hardcore by Cirie at this point. Meanwhile, Jared still seems to think he’s going to be fine, mostly because he’s still being deluded into this idea that he still has some people and his game is better than it really is.

The Double Eviction will easily be the most interesting part of the week; the struggle is making it there.

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Do you think Jared will see a potential Big Brother 25 blindside coming?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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