Doom Patrol season 4 episode 7 return date: Month confirmed

Doom Patrol season 4

We have heard rumors for a good while about Doom Patrol season 4 episode 7 coming back in October — isn’t it nice to have confirmation?

According to Entertainment Weekly, the superhero show will return for its final episodes during the aforementioned month, even if there is no specific date at present. We’re not anticipating some sort of huge promotional tour for the remaining episodes at Max, largely because we’ve barely seen anything hyping up what lies ahead so far.

Speaking to the aforementioned publication, here is what Bosede Wiliams, who directed the midseason premiere, had to say about one key plot point in the presentation of Orqwith:

“The show creator [Jeremy Carver] really wanted to present Orqwith to the fans, because they’ve been talking about it since season 1 … We knew that it should be dark and completely disorienting, because the characters have never seen anything like it. It should be gloomy, just to really take them out of their elements.

“We worked very closely with the production designer to put it together and figure out: What was the lighting going to be? How big were the bones? What were the flowers going to look like? There were so many details. It was really fun putting together that world.”

“Fun” is often the key word that we would use to describe Doom Patrol but, in general, this is a show that is going to be stuffed full of imagination, chaos, and drama at the same exact time. We do tend to think that there is going to be some emotional closure at the end of the day. While it was never confirmed during the writing process that season 4 was going to be the final one over at Max, there were some suspicions and with that, Carver and the rest of the team could prepare in advance.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Doom Patrol right now, including some other insight

What do you most want to see moving into Doom Patrol season 4 episode 7?

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(Photo: Max.)

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