Quantum Leap season 2 trailer teases: Area 51, Salem Witch Trials

Quantum Leap season 2

As we wait for the Quantum Leap season 2 premiere in a little more than a couple of weeks, why not check out the full trailer?

If you head over to this link now, you can get a better sense of what lies ahead for Ben Song as he continues to leap and change the course of history along the way. We do tend to think that the show is going to keep that spirit of adventure throughout, but remember that in the end, Ben still is trying to get home. Whether or not that is going to happen, though, remains to be seen.

One of the things that we are the most excited to see here is some iconic periods in history. Take, for example, the Salem Witch Trials. There will also be an emotional story all about the LA Riots, and you are also going to have a chance to see the cast and crew actually off in Egypt.

We know that a big part of Quantum Leap is a procedural, and we don’t think that this is going to change. There is something to be said for hours that you can get in, watch, and then leave without a keen understanding of everything that happens around them.

Our dream scenario

Well, let’s just go ahead and make that clear. We would love for there to be an appearance someday by Scott Bakula, given that Sam Beckett was the original, iconic person at the heart of this world. He declined an opportunity to be in the first season, but is there a chance that could change down the road? For us personally, we’d never want to rule it out entirely. If nothing else, we do think that there are going to be some more references to this as we move forward.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Quantum Leap right now, including more teases on what lies ahead

What are you most want to see moving into Quantum Leap season 2 over on NBC?

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(Photo: NBC.)

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