Ahsoka season 1 episode 5 heading to theaters alongside Disney+

Ahsoka season 1

We hardly think that it is some sort of world-altering surprise that the demand is out there for Ahsoka season 1 episode 5. As a matter of fact, the demand is out there so much that the Disney+ series will be screening in theaters tomorrow!

Recently, the folks at the Mouse House confirmed that tomorrow night at 5:00 p.m. Pacific time, theater-goers will actually have a chance to see this episode a good hour earlier. Here is what they initially had to say:

On September 12, at 5 p.m. PST, fans in 10 cities across the United States — including Los Angeles, New York, Seattle, Boston, and Orlando — will get the opportunity to see episode 5 of Ahsoka ahead of its premiere on Disney+. Screenings will also be held in three international cities: London, UK; Bangkok, Thailand; and Sao Paulo, Brazil. Limited seating. Subject to availability.

For everyone wondering, tickets for these screenings are now only available via a waitlist, so the demand was actually there. Ultimately, this is tied to the popularity of the Ahsoka character, but also the return of Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker. The latter is a fine example of how audience sentiment and nostalgia can turn things around for viewers over time. A number of people derided the prequel trilogy upon release, but these Star Wars films were hugely important for a certain generation that grew up with him. Because of that, the Christensen version of Anakin has a wonderful second life; he is a wonderful actor who was at times unfairly criticized.

Now, we just have to see how Anakin works his way into the central narrative here; the character is clearly dead and yet, can he still impact his former apprentice in a notable way? We tend to think that this installment will 100% alter the future of the series; we’ll have to see how that happens.

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What are you most hoping to see entering Ahsoka season 1 episode 5 on Disney+?

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(Photo: Disney+.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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