NBC’s ‘The Office’ series finale spoilers: The wedding that lies ahead
Just based alone on what you saw on Thursday night’s episode of “The Office,” the following is probably not going to shock you very much at all: There will be a wedding in the series finale. Who’s it of? If we have to answer this question for you, then we may start to question how you enjoyed the humor of this show in the first place for the past nine years.
The wedding mystery has floated around like a tasty treat in the air for a few weeks now, but it became pretty apparent a little over a week ago that the show was going in a Dwight / Angela direction much more so than anyone involving Erin. Heck, it was theoretically possible that Ryan could have showed back up and married Kelly, but that seems more unlikely now. (The two characters are still supposed to turn up, however.)
But how much of the finale will really be focused on this one event? We speak of percentages, dear readers! There is literally so much ground to cover that a wedding will just be a piece of a larger puzzle. We still have to touch on what comes next for Andy’s “quest for fame” (ridiculous as it is), whether or not Jim is really going to leave a three-month dream-job tour behind in order to be with Pam, if Kevin is ever going to find something more in his life then his jar of M&M’s, and how some of these other individual stories are going to come to a close. Expect little moments for everyone that matters. We’ve been with these people literally long enough to be our fictional family, and Greg Daniels fought hard to get the episode extended to 75 minutes for a reason.
If you want to start getting prepared for the finale now, don’t worry: We have you hooked up. Take a look back on past episodes, and share your favorite moments below. No matter what, brace yourselves, because it’s going to be an emotional ride.
Photo: NBC