Quantum Leap season 2: Episode filmed in Cairo; new key art!

Quantum Leap season 2

As we prepare for the eventual Quantum Leap season 2 premiere on NBC in early October, why not celebrate the new promo art?

If you look above, you can see the just-released poster for the Raymond Lee drama, one that carries with it a pretty interesting tag line: “One Leap Can Change Everything.” What does that mean within the context of the show? Well, let’s just say that at any given moment, there could be enormous ripple effects to the timeline. Also, who knows? There is always a chance that Ben finds his way home almost by surprise! We don’t think that this moment necessarily has to happen during a finale.

Now, there is also one other interesting bit of news worth sharing on the upcoming season: One episode in particular was actually filmed on another continent! The network confirmed on Tuesday that the eighth installment of the season, set to air in December, actually was shot in Cairo, Egypt. When we first saw the pyramids in the key art above, we honestly didn’t think that much of it. That is, of course, before we found out the news about the cast and crew actually being in the country.

What does this mean at the end of the day? Well, it shows the continued commitment that the network has in making Quantum Leap as much of a success as possible. We know that shooting overseas is not always cheap but, at the same time, it does allow for a far more realistic and immersive experience. Sure, we understand that there is a lot of science fiction at the heart of the show, but you do want to believe that the technology works. This bit of news helps with that.

Now, we just have to get through the next month when the show finally comes back…

Related Be sure to get some more news on Quantum Leap right now, including some other casting updates

What are you the most excited to see moving into Quantum Leap season 2?

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(Photo: NBC.)

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