The Afterparty season 2 episode 10 (finale): What’s the run time?

The Afterparty season 2

As many of you know at this point, The Afterparty season 2 finale is coming in just a matter of days — so how epic is it?

We know that in terms of story, there is a lot that needs to be addressed. After all, this is where we should get at least some sense of who is responsible for Edgar’s death. If it was not Isabel, who is it? She may be pointing the finger at Grace, but we just don’t think that is the case.

One thing that does surprise us a little bit here is that for everything the finale is bringing to the table here, it’s actually one of the shortest episodes of the season. “Vivian and Zoe” is actually only going to run for 31 minutes.

So why are we getting their stories here last, and also connected to each other? Odds are, they sync up in a way that reveals the truth, and it is also possible that neither one of them even know what this said truth is at the moment. After all, there are times when things get revealed in the most surprising ways.

The top suspect

Now, we know that it can be hard to single out just one person when there are a lot of motives out there … but we are still suspicious of Sebastian calling in the cops when he did. The only other person we wonder about now is Travis, mostly because 1) he feels almost irrelevant at this point and 2) his storyline and motives still don’t make a whole lot of since. Is Travis a little too similar to Yasper, though? That is another thing we are left to think about now.

Related Get a few more details now about The Afterparty season 2 finale and what you can expect to see

Is there anything that we most want you to see entering The Afterparty season 2 finale?

Who do you think the killer here is? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are some other updates coming up soon.

(Photo: Apple TV+.)

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