Big Brother 25: Matt, Jag, and BB Power of Invincibility aftermath

Big Brother 25

Tonight on Big Brother 25, we had genuinely one of the best surprises that we’ve had on the show in recent memory. As it turns out, Matt used the BB Power of Invincibility and saved Jag! The fact that we got a full eviction vote and Julie even said “it’s official” at one point made us think all of this was settled. We were ready to wave him off into the sunset and now, he gets another chance.

Seeing Jag get so emotional, and also comforted by Blue, was really one of the better moments of the season. We’re not even the biggest Blue fan and we say that!

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So what does this mean moving forward? Well for starters, Jag is in the game and can compete again for HoH. So can Cameron! We are in a spot now where it’s almost as though last week never happened … but it did. This is where things start to get a little bit messier.

What was Jag told going into tonight’s show? The chatter was that America and Cirie were going to tell him that they didn’t have the votes … did that happen, even though Cirie knew that Matt was going to use the power on him? If so, it could show further where the divides were in the game. If Jag does win HoH, we also know that he could be weaponized to go further after Cameron and Red, taking down that Legend 25 alliance before it gets any deeper into the game.

Of course, we’re also curious to learn more about how much Matt is going to say about this power to anyone else. Cirie seems happy to keep the secret!

Related Be sure to get some more discussion on Big Brother 25 and the eviction tonight

What do you think is going to happen with Matt and Jag moving forward on Big Brother 25?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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