Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Will Matt save Jag? (day 29)
Let’s just start off by saying this: We don’t want it to be. It’s been really fun to watch him be an agent of chaos. He is not an altogether great player, but he tries hard and we’d prefer this over someone who just lounges around or puts on a persona in the Diary Room.
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Unfortunately, Jag’s problem tonight is much the same as it has been for a good bit of the game so far — he really does not know when to stop and let others figure things out for themselves. He’s run around to so many people tonight claiming that he has potentially eight votes, but (by Cirie’s suggestion) he needs to just pull close to everyone into a room to finalize it. This feels way too similar to how he tried to rally everything to save Reilly at the last-minute and he didn’t learn from those mistakes. Rather than claiming he has votes, he needed to get more into his individual value to people long-term.
After all, Blue feels like a beatable person on the block, mostly in that she’s openly talking about not wanting to be HoH and with that, she could easily become a pawn for someone else. Also, she’s going to be loyal to Jared more so than anyone else.
Will Matt save Jag?
Earlier today, Cirie told Jared that he has the BB Power of Invincibility, but we don’t get the sense that he is going to use it — at least right now. He has not said anything that makes us think he will, but that could also be on purpose. Jag campaigned to him tonight and Matt was quiet.
Do we think Matt should save Jag? If we were him, we would probably consider it. After all, he’s not going to be a big target soon, and we’re not sure Cirie will be, either. He knows this is only good for two weeks and Jag will be super-loyal to him and probably go after Cameron and Red.
With this being said, if Matt knows that everyone wants Jag gone (and they seem to), he may think this move would make him unpopular in their eyes. That is why he may hold back.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 25 now, including more on Matt having the power
If you are Matt, would you save Jag on Big Brother 25 this week?
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(Photo: CBS.)