What We do in the Shadows season 5 finale: Is Guillermo human?

What We Do in the Shadows season 5

After watching the What We do in the Shadows season 5 finale on FX tonight, it feels like one thing is abundantly clear. Once again, the vampire comedy has reset itself!

We suppose that we could say that one way the show surprised us tonight is by not trying too hard to deliver some sort of jaw-dropper. While there were many big moments throughout the final two episodes, at the same time the goal was clearly never to rely solely on a cliffhanger. The biggest one we have at this point is that after becoming a full vampire, feeling that power, and taking part in a killing spree, Guillermo realized that it was actually not what he wanted. Instead, he wanted to be human again, one that did not require him to kill willingly as a means of survival.

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So, following a really crazy ritual, Guillermo now embarks on a new chapter. For the first time all series, he is not looking to someday turn into a vampire. How does that change his relationship with the other vampires?

On the path to this moment…

Let’s just say that there were so many other great parts of the episode, whether it be Nandor trying to track Guillermo outside a Panera Bread, or us ending up getting a great cameo appearance from Patton Oswalt, who befriended the vampire. When Nandor eventually killed Patton (seriously), he realized that as angry and hurt as he was, he didn’t want to kill Guillermo. He was, after all, his friend — that revelation was a sweet and tender moment.

Of course, this came after a series of ridiculous exploits earlier in the episode, including Nadja, Laszlo, and others visiting Guillermo to say goodbye in the event he was killed.

Related When is What We Do in the Shadows season 6 going to premiere?

What did you think about the events of the What We do in the Shadows season 5 finale?

Did it live up to the hype that you had for it in advance? Share right now in the comments! After you do just that, come back for some other updates.

(Photo: FX.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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