Big Brother 25 spoilers: Who won the BB Power of Invincibility?
First and foremost, here’s a quick refresher that Cirie, Cory, Jag, and Matt were all chosen by America to compete in the competition. That is at least according to information that has been shared in the house. One of them won and with that, can cancel an eviction over the next couple of weeks.
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In a conversation between Cirie and Jared this afternoon, she revealed that Matt has already told her he won the power! We know that Matt trusts her implicitly, and that’s clear more than ever now if she is the only person that he told. It also seems like he wants to know from her what to do with it, which creates another wrinkle.
Honestly, at this point we think that Matt should just use it to save Jag, given that he would be someone who would work with him moving forward — also, Matt’s not in danger next week no matter who gets into power. There’s really no reason for him to hold onto it.
Is it possible that Cirie is lying to Jared and she won it?
You can wonder that, given that Cirie did thank America last night after everything is said and done. Still, it would be really messy for her to lie to her own son about this, largely for the sake of trying to separate herself from responsibility.
Related – Get some other news on the state of the vote from this afternoon
What do you think about Matt winning the BB Power of Invincibility within Big Brother 25 this week?
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(Photo: CBS.)