Ahsoka season 1 episode 3: A Sabine Wren spotlight?
Well, let’s just start things off here by pondering over the following: Whether or not it will actually be Sabine Wren who matters at this point just as much as the title character. We know that she wants to find Ezra Bridger, and she will do everything that she can to make that happen. At the end of episode 2, she recommitted to working with Tano in order to ensure that she could find him. A relationship that was established back in the animated shows is about to be fleshed-out so much more.
Now, of course the real thing that we’re hoping here is that some of that rebellious Sabine that we saw with the longer hair remains there for the duration of the series. That is something that is different from the standard Star Wars hero, and we do think a big part of what could make the story fun at this point is rather simple: This is a chance for us to see something very different from anything that we have seen in the past.
So will we get even more Sabine backstory in episode 3? We need it! Sure, you can have some training montages with Ahsoka and that’s great / perfectly suited for this character. That just can’t be all there is, given the whole idea of this show should be to also get to the emotional heartbeat. There is so much promise at the heart of Ahsoka, but it needs to be more than just a spectacle full of effects.
Given that the first two episodes featured so many things that casual fans may not understand, there is less of a point now in appealing to them. If you are going to lean deep into the lore, shouldn’t you allow the show to become more like Andor? That is what a certain amount of hardcore fans may want at this point.
Related – Get some more news pertaining to Ahsoka, including some early speculation about a season 2
How do you think that Sabine Wren is going to stand out as we move into Ahsoka season 1 episode 3?
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(Photo: Disney+.)
This article was written by Jessica BunBun.