Futurama season 11 episode 7 spoilers: Let’s get topical (again)

Futurama season 11

As you prepare to see Futurama season 11 episode 7 on Hulu next week, what all can we say in terms of what lies ahead? Is there a lot of stuff to look forward to here?

Well, first and foremost, let’s go ahead and start things off by talking about the subject matter, shall we? We do have a feeling that this could be one of the most topical installments of the entire season. The title here is “Rage Against the Vaccine” and at the center of this story will be an opportunity to watch how some of the characters of Future Earth handle their own sort of global health crisis.

So what is the main commentary for this show going to be about? You can argue that this is a take on viruses, but we tend to think that it will be just as much as the public’s response to them. We have a feeling we know already as to where the show will land tonally, but are all of the characters going to be on the same page when it comes to all of this? Let’s just say that this is where we start to have some doubts at this particular moment in time.

The most important thing is just that Futurama finds a way to create a new angle here to this story, mostly because it is one that we have seen told a number of times already in the past year or two.

One big thing the show has going for it right now…

The streaming numbers are strong for it so far, and its success has also lifted up the viewership of some earlier seasons, as well. There is no guarantee that a season 12 is going to happen, but we tend to think optimistically for now. After all, consider this: Why bring the show back after a long layoff to only give it a single season? That is where our doubt creeps in.

What do you most want to see moving into Futurama season 11 episode 7 when it arrives on Hulu?

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(Photo: Hulu.)

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