And Just Like That season 3 spoilers: Is Aidan returning?

And Just Like That season 2

In the wake of the enormous season 2 finale, it makes sense for there to be questions in regards to And Just Like That season 3. One of the biggest ones, inherently, has to be about the future of Aidan on the program.

Let us try to set the table here as follows: John Corbett turned up midway through season 2 as his old Sex and the City character and in a very-short period of time, he and Carrie Bradshaw grew very close. The love story resumed, and it seemed as though it was going to actually work this time.

However, and as is often the case within the story of Carrie, nothing went according to plan. Aidan realized at the end of the finale that he needed to stay in Virginia to be closer to his son and as a result of that, his relationship with Carrie has to be on hold … for five years. This is a long time. While the two may want things to work, this is an incredibly long stretch to wait for someone else. Carrie still has a lot of life to live. She is in New York City with a new apartment, friends, and of course dreams she wants to fulfill. There are other things that could come up.

So will John Corbett even be seen through season 3? We wish we could say that there is some sort of clear answer here, but that’s not where things stand. Speaking on the subject further to Variety, here is what executive producer Sarah Jessica Parker had to say:

Well, they made a promise to each other. And he said, “Nothing bad is going to happen.” That wasn’t a goodbye. That was a see ya sometime. They were still very much connected at the end. The way they played it was it wasn’t tragic. And they were still very much alive, and they had that whole night where they laughed and cried and made love, or did whatever they did. But it ended kind of in a grown-up understanding of here’s where we are.

What Sarah Jessica [Parker] liked about the writing was that no one tried to convince the other one that they were wrong or right. They were just accepting the reality of that moment, and letting it be. She said the word “grown up” to me — it felt grown up. That doesn’t mean it’s not complicated.

This is not exactly a clear answer … but there is still a certain amount of hope.

When will filming commence on season 3?

In this same interview, King indicated that the plan is for the writers’ room to commence as soon as the WGA strike is over — which we hope is soon, but all of that is in flux. Remember that the most important thing remains the writers getting the pay increase and stability that they deserve. We would love to see more And Just Like That in 2024, and ideally, fall 2024 would work for the folks at Max.

Yet, we strongly recommend not circling anything with permanent marker just yet. This is one of those situations that frankly, is going to take some time.

Related See more regarding the end of And Just Like That season 2, including the return of Samantha Jones!

Do you think we will see more of John Corbett as Aidan on And Just Like That next season?

Share your thoughts and/or predictions now in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back to make sure you don’t miss anything else.

(Photo: Max.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun. 

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