Ahsoka season 1 episode 3 air date: The schedule ahead
First and foremost, let’s start off here by giving you a reminder of some of the schedule changes. After it was originally announced that these episodes would drop on Wednesdays at 3:00 a.m. Eastern time, that has since changed to Tuesdays at 9:00. We can’t even begin to say how smart a move this is for Disney long-term, and we do think that it is something that they really need to explore with a lot of their other programs moving forward. It allows them to create more of a legitimate family audience right away.
With this in mind, episode 3 of the Ahsoka Tano show will be available next week! While there is no official synopsis at present, you can expect it to be a pretty direct continuation of what we got this time around. We know that The Mandalorian can at times be a little more standalone in its approach, we expect something far more serialized throughout every episode here. After all, it is clear that Rosario Dawson’s character has a pretty specific goal that she is trying to achieve, and we imagine that she is going to do more or less whatever she can in order to make that happen.
Now, we just have to hope that we’re going to see more action and some character development the rest of the way. We don’t think we have to tell anyone out there that Disney has a ton riding on this series and the character — there may not be a formal season 2 yet, but there’s been talk of a movie featuring a lot of these characters!
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Ahsoka now, including the odds of there being more down the road
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(Photo: Disney+.)
This article was written by Jessica BunBun.