‘The Big Bang Theory’ season 6, episode 23 preview: Is Howard the best DM ever?

Big Bang TheoryIf you don’t know what a DM is and you are a fan of “The Big Bang Theory,” then Sheldon Cooper scoffs at you. “Dungeons & Dragons” is going to be one of the major themes of Thursday night’s new episode, or at least it is before romance starts to enter the picture for a couple of characters.

Anyhow, the whole purpose of the new sneak peek released by CBS of the episode is rather simple: To show just how awesome of a Dungeon Master Howard can be. Not only does he happen to be a pretty effective storyteller, but he also has some of the impressions down to go along with it. Who knew that Howard does such a mean Nicolas Cage? It seems in some ways very appropriate that Cage would be involved in a game that is all about dungeons and dragons, not to mention other fantasy creatures and plenty of violence. It does seem to be around the right time, though, for Cage to be spoofed again by someone, especially since the fantastic “Saturday Night Live” sketch “Get in the Cage” no longer has any value given that Andy Samberg is no longer on the cast.

As much fun as we expect some of the D&D action during this episode to be, we have to be honest here in saying that this is probably not what many people are going to be talking about by the time this episode ends. Instead, we fully expect the focus to be more on Sheldon / Amy and possibly Raj / Lucy, who are set to have some big moments.

If you were playing D&D, would you find a DM stuffed full of impressions to be all kinds of amazing, or all kinds of irritating? Be sure to share some of your thoughts below! Also, you can check out a full preview for Thursday night’s episode over at the link here.

Photo: CBS

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