The Afterparty season 2 episode 8: The power of TikTok?

The Afterparty season 2

As so many of you know at this point, The Afterparty season 2 episode 8 is arriving to Apple TV+ in a matter of days. What can you expect to see?

Well, first and foremost, this is your reminder that for the sake of this installment, Feng is the man in the spotlight. The “King of Bing” may have had more of a motive to kill Edgar than anyone first thought, as he was desperate to ensure that Grace never asked any questions about Ulysses. The story of his half-brother and Vivian was far more shattering than we ever imagined, and Feng is clearly a character who has lived with a lot of heartbreak and rage.

With all of this in mind, there is a strange irony now in TikTok videos potentially being the thing that incriminates this man in the long-term. There was a lot of video footage filmed the day of the wedding, whether it be for social media or compilations after the fact. Feng isn’t going to be thrilled to be sitting down with Aniq or Danner to discuss the events of the day, and his story will be playing out almost like a found-footage movie with all of these different forces.

One thing that we like about this story already is that this is a pretty different character than we’re used to seeing Ken Jeong play. We know that some of his characters have a tendency to be a tad over-the-top (to put it mildly), but Feng seems like a guy who could absolutely kill if pushed enough. He’s had to bottle up so many emotions for so long, and the last thing he probably wants is for Grace’s big day to be spun out of control by a secret so many years in the past.

Of course, what makes this episode interesting is that the found footage is most likely factual. That’s different from the other stories this season, which are open to interpretation.

Related Be sure to get some more discussion on The Afterparty season 2 episode 8 now

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(Photo: Apple TV+.)

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