Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: The new HoH’s plan (day 16)

Big Brother 25

We have a new Head of Household in the Big Brother 25 house and based on what we’re seeing so far, it looks like we’re going to be in for a fun week.

Without further ado, let’s share the news if you missed it: Felicia is in power! With that, she has the ability to shake up the week in some rather interesting ways moving forward. Will she go the predictable route and try to take out Jag, Blue, or Matt? Or, is she actually going to take out Hisam if the opportunity presents itself? There was so much discussion about that, and this would certainly be a move that she could put on her resume moving forward.

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Well, the precise plans of Felicia are pretty unclear tonight, mostly because she said already that she doesn’t want to have any conversations until the morning. Still, early indications are, at least per Cirie and Izzy, that we could be seeing Cameron and Jag as initial nominees — if that happens, Cirie / Izzy will push for Cam to go. Meanwhile, Hisam may not even try to win Veto since he’s already said that he needs to stop winning so many competitions. This would set up a perfect situation to get him out of the game.

Someone hug Matt

We feel for the guy — he’s been crying tonight in the Have-Not Room, and not just because he had a crush on Reilly. She was really one of the few people who relayed information to him constantly, as it is hard for him to hear in large groups of people. We hope that someone else helps to take on that role — America has tried a little bit already.

Related Be sure to get some more thoughts on Reilly’s eviction and more

What do you want to see Felicia do as Head of Household on Big Brother 25?

Be sure to let us know right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back for some other updates.

(Photo: CBS.)

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