Is Big Brother 25 new tonight on CBS, delayed by football?

Big Brother 25

Is Big Brother 25 new tonight on CBS? Or, is the show facing some sort of delay or preemption because of preseason football?

We wish that this was a question that we could give a specific, hard-and-fast answer to, but it’s difficult. So much of it depends at the moment on where it is that you live.

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Here is what we can go ahead and say at this point — you are going to have a chance to see more of the reality show at some point, or potentially on a different channel, depending on where you are. The NFL has just delayed the show or changed things up in different markets. This is a common occurrence when we get a little bit later into the summer, but typically Big Brother starts earlier in the year and we don’t have to deal with this stuff anywhere near as early on.

As for what’s happening on the episode tonight, you will get a chance to see either Reilly or Cameron be evicted from the game. Beyond that, of course, you also have a chance to see what happened with the campaign. There was a lot of intensity in the house.

Beyond all of this…

Well, let’s just go ahead and say that you’re also going to have a chance to see at least the start of an HoH battle. Who will end up in power and beyond just that, how will that shape the week moving forward? The best thing that this show can do is be a little more unpredictable from here on out.

Related Check out some other Big Brother 25 news, including how Reilly got into so much trouble in the first place

Are you bummed that there are some more Big Brother 25 delays tonight?

Go ahead and let us know right now in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back to get some other updates for the rest of the season.

(Photo: CBS.)

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